Disput Publishing House was founded in 1999. Approximately half of our publishing programme consists of translations, and the other half are books by Croatian authors. Furthermore, our programme is divided into almost equal halves of fiction and non-fiction.
Our most prominent series of fiction is entitled “Na tragu klasika” (“On the Trail of the Classics”), and encompasses, at present, cca. 140 works by select authors from all over the world, translated by Croatia’s finest translators. The series has received the most relevant Croatian award for best book series five times (2007-2009, 2011 and 2012 to editor Irena Lukšić). After 2019 the series is followed by series “Kaleidoskop” where popular fiction works continue to be published.
The non-fictional works cover the following fields: philology, linguistics, theatrology, cultural studies, political philosophy, political science and political publicist writing. Our non-fiction is authored and/or edited by the most prominent Croatian scientists in the respective fields.
In Croatian book-publishing circles Disput is recognised and esteemed as a serious publishing house with a well-thought-out publishing policy, carefully selected titles and professional preparation of books (reliable translations, high language culture of our editions, top-quality layout and cover-art).

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